Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Best Things About Growing Up

I'm seven weeks into my first 'serious' job, and here are the things I like best about growing up:

1. Grocery shopping

I love prowling the aisles, dreaming up recipes I'd like to try, being able to pick up that item I want, put it into my basket, and pay for it. It's very liberating to have the decision to purchase rest solely on oneself. And the same goes for deciding whether or not to buy that book, that CD, that top. It's so guiltless

2. My own room

I'm loving the room I'm renting now. Since I've been sharing a room with my sister ever since I was a kid, getting a room of my own was one of the things I was looking forward to the most - months before I got the job. I've outfitted it with an Ikea bedspread (something I actually dreamt about buying once I knew I was moving), an Ikea bedside table, and my rockin' Guilin stuffed cat. The growing movie collection, my laptop and portable wifi make this bachelorette pad complete

3. Clocking out

Now I'm not sure if the joys of clocking out outweigh the happiness of those carefree university days, but I can tell you this - it's awesome. Punching out is absolutely the highlight of my day. Not because my job is so bad  - it isn't - but because once I punch out my time is mine to spend as I please. I don't need to feel bad for not working some more, because I've already earned my rest. So I visit Tesco, or surf the net, or experiment with some dishes (today's special: Bovril egg congee), read. And if clocking out brings this much pleasure, imagine how great it feels when you get to the

4. Weekends

Sometimes it feels like I'm living for the weekends. Though Sundays see me wishing weekends were longer, I think I probably wouldn't enjoy them as much if I didn't have to work on the weekdays. I don't remember enjoying weekends this much when I was studying. Then again, my flexible class schedules (read: online lectures) blurred the lines between weekdays and weekends. I now appreciate more fully what a sacrifice it is to give up your time on a Saturday for someone or something else
That's all I could think of for now. Just somethin' to get the blog juices starting again. It's been a while.


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